

Note: Only the german version (Impressum) is legally binding.

Responsible for this website accor­ding to § 5 Tele­medien­gesetz is the owner of this practice:

Name Dr. med. dent. Julia Jost
Postal address Mauergasse 5, 65520 Bad Camberg
Occupation Dentist
Authorization License to practise as a dentist (Approbation als Zahnarzt) granted by the State of Hesse / Federal Republic of Germany
Speciali­zation Certified specialist ortho­dontist (Zahn­ärztin für Kiefer­ortho­pädie)
Regulatory bodies Hessisches Landes­prüfungs- und Unter­suchungs­amt im Gesund­heits­wesen
Lurgiallee 10, 60439 Frankfurt am Main
Landes­zahn­ärzte­kammer Hessen (Dentist's Association of Hesse)
Rhonestraße 4, 60528 Frankfurt am Main
Kassen­zahn­ärzt­liche Ver­eini­gung Hessen
Lyoner Str. 21, 60528 Frankfurt am Main
Applicable professional law Available (in german) at
Gesetz über die Aus­übung der Zahn­heil­kunde
Gebührenordnung für Zahn­ärzte
Berufsordnung für die Zahn­ärzte in Hessen
Hessisches Heil­berufs­gesetz

Liability and copyright

All content on this web­site is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only and can­not and should not replace indi­vi­dual advice for the dia­gnosis or treat­ment of health problems. We created this page to the best of our know­ledge, but do not assume any respon­si­bi­lity for the correct­ness of the infor­ma­tion included. Wher­ever we refer to sites out­side of kieferorthopaedie-​, we have checked them for correct­ness and trust­worthy­ness at the time of our linking. How­ever, it is in the nature of the inter­net, that web­sites are subject to change without notice. We there­fore assume no liability for the content of linked pages. The owners of these web­sites are solely respon­sible for the content of their sites. If links should become unavai­lable, or worse, refer to proble­matic content, we ask you for a note, so that we can correct our content.

We respect the copy­rights of others and like­wise ask you to respect ours. This applies to all content on this site, unless other copy­right holders are expli­citly named. A list of copy­right holders of content used on our web­site can be found in our list of attributions.

Privacy policy

We take your privacy seriously, not only in the practice itself, but also in regard to your visit of this web­site. Read here in detail (in german) what we do to achieve that goal.