
On this website figures are used in several places which we are entitled to use, because we created them our­selves, acquired a right to use or because the use of the work is allowed for every­one under certain condi­tions. In the first two cases, we reserve the rights to use, which also applies to the textual content and the design concepts of this website.

The photographs in our Blog are made by our­self except the ancient depic­ting of the house at Mauer­gasse 5 at the end of the 19. century, this photo is older then 70 years, so copy­right restric­tions don't apply anymore.

Acquired rights

Logo der Praxis Kieferorthopädie Bad Camberg

The logo of our practice Bad Camberg Ortho­dontics is designed by Nancy Carter, we have acquired the rights to use this logo.

Foto Schorn schließt zum Jahresende

We have also obtained a permission to reproduce the adjoining newspaper clipping from the Cam­berger Anzei­ger in our Blog.

Free licenses

The following figures are either public domain or subject to a free license as the GNU Free Documentation License (abbre­viated GFDL) or the Creative Commons License (abbre­viated CC).

Historic dentist chair

On the page Wir stellen ein a historic dentist chair is depicted: The Dentist Chair taken on 4. May 2014 by Barry Badcock in Blists Hill Victorian Town near Ironbridge.

On the interactive map on the home page and the page Practice, the follow­ing figures are used:

Untertor in Bad Camberg  Obertor in Bad Camberg  Marktplatz in Bad Camberg

Untertor in Bad Camberg, Obertor in Bad Camberg und Marktplatz in Bad Camberg taken on 19. June 2007 by Oliver Abels (SBT, CC BY 2.5)

Kurpark in Bad Camberg
Kurpark in Bad Camberg taken on 3. July 2007 by Oliver Abels (SBT, CC BY 2.5)
Kreuzkapelle in Bad Camberg

Kreuzkapelle in Bad Camberg taken by Frank Winkelmann (GFDL)

Vogelburg in Hasselbach
Vogelburg in Hasselbach taken on 22. August 2010 by Karsten11 (public domain)
Burg Schwalbach

Burg Schwalbach taken on 8. September 2004

Burg Hohenstein
and Burg Hohen­stein taken on 20. September 2003 by Johannes Robalotoff (CC BY-SA 2.0)

On the pages Ortho­dontic Treat­ment and TMD the follow­ing figures are used:

Radiografía de una dentición mixta
Radiografía de una dentición mixta taken 2010 by (CC BY-SA 3.0)
I chopped my hair off

I chopped my hair off taken on 18. February 2008 by Zoe (CC BY 2.0)

four weeks with my braces on
four weeks with my braces on taken 2010 by Monica Nguyen (CC BY 2.0)
Invisalign orthodontic aligner

Invisalign orthodontic aligner taken on 20. March 2011 by Smikey Io (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Zahnspange taken by Metoc (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Aufbissschiene für den Oberkiefer

Aufbissschiene für den Ober­kiefer taken on 30. October 2010 by Metalhead64 (public domain)